Okay, so for those of you who are reading this post you already know I have not really kept up with this little blog. Once the “This Week in 40K Podcasting” article took off and was a hit over at From the Warp, I have neglected this poor little blog in favor of working on the article. That article took up a huge amount of my time to write, as it was a massive block of text. However, with the new format of the article, thanks Ron, I now have a lot more free time on my hands and wanted to get back to blogging! So I wanted to do a reboot of the whole blog. First, when I first started this blog I knew nothing about blogging, and I am not so sure I know much more now. But, since I got started, I realize that the obscenely long URL for this blog is something I wanted to change, say to something my simpler like eviled209.blogspot.com. So I will be closing this blog down and moving everything over to http://eviled209.blogspot.com
Second, I wanted to cover all of my hobby and gaming with the blog and leave the article to strictly From the Warp. So no more post that the article is up, that’s kind of a dead post anyway, right?.
Third, I wanted to be more active, say post at least twice a week on top of the article. I think I can do this now.
So, those of you who still read this, take notice… we are moving!
Thanks to everyone for your support!